NC Women's Ministry
What's in a story?
We all love a good story. Mystery, comedy, thriller, even a "happily ever after" love story. We enjoy watching stories on the big screen, and having them unfold across the pages of a book. The best selling book of all time (The Bible) and the best selling author of all time (God), shared the greatest true love story ever written, across all ages of time. God's Word is a beautiful love story from beginning to end.
The turn of every page reveals His love for us. His immense and unwavering love isn't always easy to see or understand, but His Word serves as a constant reminder that He is always there with open arms.
Don't you love the fact that we don't have to work to be in His favor, to earn His affection, or to set ourselves straight before God can pour His love out over us? He encourages us to come just as we are... broken, selfish, bitter, angry, wounded, overwhelmed, insecure, stuck in the past, consumed by jealousy, overcome by shame, His blood overrides it all. Christ came for YOU, and He loves YOU with a sacrificial, unconditional, perfect love that is completely unfathomable and intensely real.
Do you want that kind of love? Then run to Him, because He wants you to come to Him just as you are. To come before Him, and lay all your burdens down at His feet.
What's Your Story?
Did you know you have a story to share? No matter what your age or background, there is a story inside of you, just waiting to surface. So what is a story? It's a beautiful array of life's precious moments and events. Your story is like a fingerprint, it's unique to you, and even though stories can be similar, extraordinary, or completely unusual, each one is of importance.
A story can be used to share God's love.
As for me, I use to be a train wreck, consumed by bitterness, and had a heart full of rage due to betrayal and heart break. When I share that with people, they always look at me and laugh, but I'm not joking. My family can testify to the heavy burden I once carried. My pain was very real. God healed me from that poison that was causing destructive behavior and keeping me from fulfilling God's purpose in my life. My story is a message of hope, restoration, and love. I'm here to tell you that God knows you, He sees you, He hears you, and He loves you. He will give you everything you need to keep going, to overcome, to endure and persevere through the darkest storm.
Your story is not insignificant for God to use. Your story is yours alone, and is valuable to His Kingdom. We will all go through storms in life. Some storms consist of cloudy days, some mild wind, there are rainy days, and others are dealing with category 5 hurricanes. The Bible is clear that we will have tribulation during our time here on earth.
I want you to always remember, your story is a gift, and it's your choosing what you will do with that gift. Every story, including yours, can be used by God to make a difference in just one life or many. Ultimately, our story is to be used to further His Kingdom and glorify Him. You may never know the impact your words have to bring hope, encouragement, motivation, and inspiration to someone going through similar circumstances.
What is your story and how will you use it?
I want to encourage you to not be afraid to share your testimony with someone who may need to hear what God has done and is doing in your life. How God brought through, how God is there for them too, and how he desires to pour out His love so graciously on His children.
"For I know the plans I have for you", declares the Lord. "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future".
- Jeremiah 29:11 NIV
You are cherished and loved,
Katie J. Sweatt
NC Women's Ministry Director
The turn of every page reveals His love for us. His immense and unwavering love isn't always easy to see or understand, but His Word serves as a constant reminder that He is always there with open arms.
Don't you love the fact that we don't have to work to be in His favor, to earn His affection, or to set ourselves straight before God can pour His love out over us? He encourages us to come just as we are... broken, selfish, bitter, angry, wounded, overwhelmed, insecure, stuck in the past, consumed by jealousy, overcome by shame, His blood overrides it all. Christ came for YOU, and He loves YOU with a sacrificial, unconditional, perfect love that is completely unfathomable and intensely real.
Do you want that kind of love? Then run to Him, because He wants you to come to Him just as you are. To come before Him, and lay all your burdens down at His feet.
What's Your Story?
Did you know you have a story to share? No matter what your age or background, there is a story inside of you, just waiting to surface. So what is a story? It's a beautiful array of life's precious moments and events. Your story is like a fingerprint, it's unique to you, and even though stories can be similar, extraordinary, or completely unusual, each one is of importance.
A story can be used to share God's love.
As for me, I use to be a train wreck, consumed by bitterness, and had a heart full of rage due to betrayal and heart break. When I share that with people, they always look at me and laugh, but I'm not joking. My family can testify to the heavy burden I once carried. My pain was very real. God healed me from that poison that was causing destructive behavior and keeping me from fulfilling God's purpose in my life. My story is a message of hope, restoration, and love. I'm here to tell you that God knows you, He sees you, He hears you, and He loves you. He will give you everything you need to keep going, to overcome, to endure and persevere through the darkest storm.
Your story is not insignificant for God to use. Your story is yours alone, and is valuable to His Kingdom. We will all go through storms in life. Some storms consist of cloudy days, some mild wind, there are rainy days, and others are dealing with category 5 hurricanes. The Bible is clear that we will have tribulation during our time here on earth.
I want you to always remember, your story is a gift, and it's your choosing what you will do with that gift. Every story, including yours, can be used by God to make a difference in just one life or many. Ultimately, our story is to be used to further His Kingdom and glorify Him. You may never know the impact your words have to bring hope, encouragement, motivation, and inspiration to someone going through similar circumstances.
What is your story and how will you use it?
I want to encourage you to not be afraid to share your testimony with someone who may need to hear what God has done and is doing in your life. How God brought through, how God is there for them too, and how he desires to pour out His love so graciously on His children.
"For I know the plans I have for you", declares the Lord. "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future".
- Jeremiah 29:11 NIV
You are cherished and loved,
Katie J. Sweatt
NC Women's Ministry Director
Meet Maddy Riley
Maddy has an infectious smile and a beautiful heart. Spending last year in East Africa was a promise from God come to pass, as she served an
unreached people group that are 99% Muslim.
She is eager to get back to Africa to continue her work there.
Maddy is an author, speaker, Jewish Believer, Professor, Nurse practitioner in family medicine, animal lover, and a Mom to three grown children.
An interesting fact about her, that many people don't know about,
she has a 2nd degree blackbelt in Tai Quan Dao.
Maddy is a natural encourager, and teacher of the Word.
She inspires the mobilization of the people of God not just to Africa, but all over, and reminds us that our mission field can be right where we are.
As God's people, we are all called in different ways to serve, but each one of us is called. Maddy encourages women of all ages to be all that they can be in Christ, and she can testify that age has no relevance in fulfilling God's purpose in our life.
Maddy will be sharing her incredible story at our Tea & Testimony event on March 11th. Bring a friend for a truly inspiring afternoon. Register today by clicking the button below.
unreached people group that are 99% Muslim.
She is eager to get back to Africa to continue her work there.
Maddy is an author, speaker, Jewish Believer, Professor, Nurse practitioner in family medicine, animal lover, and a Mom to three grown children.
An interesting fact about her, that many people don't know about,
she has a 2nd degree blackbelt in Tai Quan Dao.
Maddy is a natural encourager, and teacher of the Word.
She inspires the mobilization of the people of God not just to Africa, but all over, and reminds us that our mission field can be right where we are.
As God's people, we are all called in different ways to serve, but each one of us is called. Maddy encourages women of all ages to be all that they can be in Christ, and she can testify that age has no relevance in fulfilling God's purpose in our life.
Maddy will be sharing her incredible story at our Tea & Testimony event on March 11th. Bring a friend for a truly inspiring afternoon. Register today by clicking the button below.