Discipleship Pathway

What does it look like to move beyond a verbal profession of faith and step into a life of following Jesus in everyday living?

Put simply, it means that we re-organize our lives around 3 goals:

Be With Jesus

Become Like Jesus

Do What Jesus Did

These things don't happen automatically, however. We play an important part in our own spiritual formation, and Jesus calls to each of us, "follow Me." Discipleship to Jesus isn't an event, but a lifestyle, and it's one that requires practice.

When we talk about practices, we mean practical things that we do that deepen our relationship with God, deepen our relationships with others, and that deepen our own self-awareness—giving us better insight into how we have been individually and uniquely wired by God—so that we can better love both God and people.

The Discipleship Pathway is designed to explore these practices through rich biblical teaching, in the context of community, and by giving you highly practical steps that you’ll be able to take home with you. These are not foundational courses, nor are they primarily for new believers. All are welcome, and we believe that anyone that desires to grow spiritually will benefit from joining us at any of the 3 segments. 

The Practices

1) Be With Jesus

Silence & Solitude
How To Read The Bible
Persistent Prayer
Practicing Sabbath

2) Become Like Jesus

Discovering Your Identity
Understanding Your Personality
 Dealing With Your Past
 Authentic Community

3) Do What Jesus Did

Sharing Your Faith
Doing Justice
Work As Mission
For any additional questions, please contact Adam Winter, Pastor of Spiritual Formation.