Let's talk about porn.
Talking about pornography in church is still considered taboo in many circles. If it is mentioned, it's generally lumped in with a bunch of other sinful behaviors, only to be quickly moved away from. Talking about porn makes us uncomfortable, and part of the reason is because it is widespread in the church.

Tragically, surveys reveal that only 7% of churches have anything in place to help people in this area.
We want to be among the 7% of churches addressing the porn problem. In an increasingly sexualized culture, we have to be. Here's the good news: hope & freedom are absolutely possible. It doesn’t matter how far gone you think you are. It doesn’t matter how entrenched or enslaved you may presently be. There is hope for freedom.
We want to be among the 7% of churches addressing the porn problem. In an increasingly sexualized culture, we have to be. Here's the good news: hope & freedom are absolutely possible. It doesn’t matter how far gone you think you are. It doesn’t matter how entrenched or enslaved you may presently be. There is hope for freedom.

Study after study has revealed that porn consumption is at an all time high. A recent study revealed that 89% of men, and 61% of women admit to using porn at least monthly. The numbers within the church are strikingly similar, with 2 out of 3 Christian men, and 1 out of 3 Christian women admitting to an ongoing struggle with porn.