Forming Men

Becoming a man doesn't happen by accident.

Men are formed.

Men were created for so much more than the 9-5.

So much more than making a paycheck.

So much more than just acquiring a bunch of stuff, and settling comfortably into a life that has little to no impact on the world around them.

You, as a man, have been called into so much more.

A man is called to be an image-bearer of God, standing firm in his identity as a son of God, and entrusted with power and responsibility to care for the world and the people within it.

How do you embrace this calling, and begin to live into it as a man? 

That's the aim of Forming Men.

Get Connected

Check out the
Forming Men teaching

We spend 4 weeks looking at the challenges that men face in becoming the men that God has called them to be, and how to overcome them.

Come to The Forge

The Forge is a quarterly gathering to build upon connection & discipleship. You can expect food, fellowship, and formation as we reconnect and stay the course as men.

*our next event will be scheduled soon*

Come to the
Men's Conference 

We have a special weekend planned for October 11-12, 2024. We'll build on connections, eat great food, and be challenged and encouraged through powerful teaching and worship. Registration details to come.

Do you struggle with porn?

Visit our Sexual Integrity page through the button below.

For any questions, please contact:

Pastor Adam Winter at

Pastor Matt Dorn at