IBCD Care & Discipleship Training
CDC-Level 1 Audio and Lecture Outlines
LEVEL 1 | Basic
Level 1 teaches people how the sufficiency of Scripture shapes the way we view all of life’s struggles. It begins by laying the foundation of general principles involved in biblical counseling and then applies these principles to situations involving anger, conflict, depression, fear, worry, temptation, and trial.
These materials will help believers learn to handle common issues of sin and sanctification in a biblical way.
The audio and notes below is the Level 1 training instruction.  
Step 1: Instruction

CDC-1:What is Biblical Counseling? Part 1

CDC-2:What is Biblical Counseling? Part 2

CDC-3:What is Biblical Counseling? Part 3

CDC-4:General Principles of Biblical Counseling
Part 1

CDC-5:General Principles of Biblical Counseling
Part 2

CDC-6:General Principles of Biblical Counseling
Part 3

CDC-7:How Do People Change? Part 1

CDC-8:How Do People Change? Part 2

CDC-9:Theology and Biblical Counseling

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

CDC-13:Grace When Things Are Hard

CDC-14:Anger Mismanagement

CDC-15:Biblical Counseling:Depression

CDC-16:Biblical Counseling:
Worry & Anxiety

CDC-17:Biblical Counseling:Fear

Part 1

Part 2

CDC-20:Understanding the Influences of
Nature and Nurture


Step 2: Exam
Once you have taken the 15 hours of instruction, you can take the Level 1 Exam. It consists of 10 questions and is open notes, open Bible. Please do not directly copy the notes as you write this exam. It is important that you use your own thoughts and words for this exam.
To submit, email the completed exam to cdc@ibcd.org. You can download the exam below. Please attach all answers in one file.
Step 3: Electives
The general material in the Care & Discipleship Course is supplemented by the opportunity to listen to 3 electives from IBCD’s messages on specific counseling issues. Any message on the website (other than those in the Care & Discipleship Course) count as electives. Hearing messages live at a Spring Seminar or Summer Institute counts as well. Indicate these three message titles on the Level 1 Application Form.
Step 4: Interview
The Care & Discipleship course is meant to instill a love for intentional, one-another care. It’s important for our participants to be connected to a local church. In order to receive a certificate of completion, one must have an interview with a church leader who deals with pastoral care. The interview is simply discussing the provided questions. You do not need to fill out the form, but the church leader must sign and date the CDC Interview form indicating that this interview has taken place.
To submit, email this form to cdc@ibcd.org. Please scan the signed form and send it as one email attachment.
Step 5: Application
Once you have fulfilled all of the requirements, please complete the application form below. An application fee of $75 is also required. While we prefer the digital method of payment, you may also mail it to us at our Slidell Office: 4141 Pontchartrain Drive, Slidell LA 70458.